For institution wide updates on the rapidly changing federal funding landscape, please CLICK HERE.
HSI grants and research development efforts allow the UA to strategically advance institutional capacity to competitively pursue HSI, Minority Serving Institution (MSI) and HSI-related grant opportunities, including single and multi-institutional collaborations. Since first receiving HSI designation in 2018, the Office of HSI Initiatives has directly supported proposal development resulting in $31 million in awarded funding for the UA.
HSI designation from the U.S. Dept. of Education does not provide additional secured funding. Instead, institutions who apply annually and are granted HSI status are eligible to compete for funding opportunities available to HSIs and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
- Annual Federal HSI Funding: Includes NSF, DoED, USDA and NEH programs; $359M in funding opportunities eligible only to HSIs in 2024
- Annual Federal MSI Funding: 14 federal agencies provided 74 funding opportunities to MSIs in 2024
Tracking HSI and HSI Related Funding Activity at UA
In 2022, a tracking mechanism was implemented through UAccess Research to track HSI related proposal activity at the institutional level. Personnel submitting proposals through this system are asked to select “yes” if the proposal responds to a funding opportunity that is 1) for HSIs only; 2) for MSIs only; or 3) any funding opportunity that intentionally involves minority students and/or communities / populations.
- Of those who selected “yes” over 250 proposals were awarded at the UA between calendar years 2022 and 2024, totaling $282M.
HSII Grants and Research Development Support
HSII supports a variety of HSI related grants and research development activities throughout the institution. Our office works to identify and evaluate funding opportunities and connect them with prospective PIs and teams. Depending on the funding opportunity, we also work closely with teams during the proposal development phase.
- Identify and track HSI related funding opportunities
- Provide strategy for responding to institution-wide funding opportunities
- Ensure alignment with HSI-focused efforts
- Connect PIs and teams w/ HSI related funding opportunities
- Consult with individuals or teams to strategize proposal development
- Work with team to obtain institutional data that strengthen proposal goals
- Deliver in-depth proposal support for institutional proposals
To learn more about HSI related funding opportunities or to discuss your ideas for a proposal, please contact Riley McIsaac, Director, HSI Grants Development (