Yadhira Acevedo
Coordinator, Outreach and Community Engagement, UA Campus Store
Maiya Block Ngaybe
PhD Candidate, Health Promotion Sciences
Amanda Bogden
Associate Director, Graduate Career Services, The University of Arizona Graduate College
Yoneri Bueno-Diaz
Graduate Student in the Center for the Study of Higher Education and Graduate Assistant, Immigrant Student Resources
Dominique Calza
Director, Adalberto & Ana Guerrero Student Center
Ailyn Gomez Ray
Engineering Pathways Specialist, College of Engineering
Sarah Grace
Assistant Professor of Practice, Psychology Department at the College of Science
Hannah Hildreth
Program Manager of Outreach & Communications, Student Success and Retention Innovation
Izza Jauregui
Mental Health Clinician and Site-Based Counselor with the Guerrero Student Center
Rene Lozano
Manager of Undergraduate Recruitment, College of Information Science!
Xochilt Montaño
Assistant to the Director, Spanish as a Heritage Language Program
Tori Nardinelli
Assistant Director, Research, Creative Expression, and Professional Initiatives, W.A. Franke Honors College
Arlett Perez-Rios
Project Director, Upward Bound
Aracely Rivera Cohen
Adjunct lecturer, Department of Mexican American Studies
Rafael Romero
PhD student and Graduate Assistant, Wyant College of Optical Sciences