HSI Faculty Seed Grants

Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Faculty Seed Grants

2025 Competition Update: HSII is hoping to hold a seed grant competition in 2025, but the call-for-proposals will be significantly revised. Stay tuned for further updates. 

Research, Innovation and Impact (RII) and HSI Initiatives are pleased to offer the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Faculty Seed Grant Program. The goal of this internal fund is to support scholarly research and creative work among faculty that enriches the UA’s designation as a HSI, advances scholarship that directly impacts QT BIPOC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) populations, and fulfills UA’s Purpose and Values.

Applications from single investigators for up to $15,000 are welcomed. Multidisciplinary applications from two or more eligible investigators representing different departments and disciplines may request up to $25,000. 


The HSI Seed Grant Program is open to all faculty including tenure eligible / tenured, continuing-eligible / continuing status, and/or career track faculty across all disciplines and ranks. Early career scholars will be prioritized. Proposals will also prioritize existing partnerships or collaborations with other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), including Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs). Proposals are reviewed on their commitment to advance scholarly research and creative work impacting QT BIPOC populations, and merit. The selection process is guided by a commitment to a shared governance faculty peer review process. The faculty review committee will be selected based on their own scholarship or creative work dedicated to racial justice.

Selection Process

The selection process is guided by a commitment to a shared governance faculty peer review process. The faculty advisory committee is selected based on their own scholarship or creative work dedicated to racial justice.

Questions can be directed to Riley McIsaac, Director, Grants Development, at rmcisaac@arizona.edu