Centering Servingness Webinar Series Calendar 2020 - 2021

HSIs and Community Partners: A Framework for Strengthening Servingness through Engagement

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 12pm 

Although research confirms that community engagement is essential to an ideal Latinx-serving institutional identity, little is known regarding how Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) engage with community partners and the value that such partnerships can bring to the institution’s overall ability to serve students. Developers of the Latinx-informed framework for community engagement will discuss elements of their framework and provide practical illustrations for engaging in such practices at HSIs.

Panelist Include:

  • Marla Franco, Ph.D.
    Assistant Vice Provost, Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives
  • Guadalupe (Guada) Lozano, Ph.D.
    Director, Center for University Education Scholarship
    Associate Research Professor of Mathematics
  • Vignesh Subbian, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering
    Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Bilingual Journalism in the Digital Era: Developing an Interdisciplinary Agenda for Research and Community – Service Pedagogies

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Latinx news is a product of bilingual journalism practices that requires bicultural competencies to gather, assess, present, and disseminate news and information about, or relevant to, Latinx communities. In the post-broadcast era and with the advent of social media, Latinx news production, dissemination, and consumption are transnational and bilingual.

This presentation will discuss the interdisciplinary agenda of research and community-service pedagogies behind the creation of the first Master’s in Bilingual Journalism in a Hispanic Service Institution. It will address the challenges and opportunities encountered in designing, programming, recruiting, funding, and promoting an innovative educational plan in the Southwest. It also seeks to explore areas of collaboration with other units such as health, education, environmental sciences, legal and international relations, among others, at The University of Arizona. 

Featured Speaker:

Jessica Retis, Ph.D.
The University of Arizona
Associate Professor, School of Journalism
Director, Master’s in Bilingual Journalism

For more information, follow these links: 


A History of Servingness: Faculty Engagement in the College Academy for Parents

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 | 12:00pm

Recognized in 2008, by Excelencia in Education as an Example of Excelencia, the College Academy for Parents is a bilingual college access program that engages local elementary school families in the 12-week development of a plan for college. One of the unique components of this initiative is faculty presentations in which half of the workshops are dedicated to having University of Arizona faculty facilitate conversations, or platicas, on the core academic subject areas required for admission to the university. A program overview will be provided, with emphasis placed on faculty experiences in engaging the funds of knowledge of parents and the role of faculty in the university’s land grant mission.


  • Rudy B. McCormick – Director, Early Academic Outreach
  • Vicente Talanquer, Ph.D. - Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Celestino Fernández, Ph.D. - Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology
  • Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith, Ph.D. - Adjunct Lecturer, Co-Director, Binational Migration Institute, Department of Mexican American Studies


A Heart for Community: Building Trust Beyond Campus Boundaries

Thursday, January 21, 2021 | 1:00pm (AZ time)

As higher education institutions grapple with legacies of harm done to communities in their surroundings, including recent examinations of land grant universities’ role in displacement of Native American and other minoritized peoples, the mandate to serve and share knowledge takes on new ethical dimensions. In the Southwest, Hispanic communities historically have been the focal point of both damaging academic prejudices and incredibly inspiring new models of participatory action research and pedagogies. In this talk, Dr. Alvarez will review key lessons learned along the spectrum of truth-telling and trust-building in university-community partnerships.

Featured Speaker: 

Maribel L. Alvarez, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Community Engagement, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences,
University of Arizona


Building the Plane in the Air: An Evolving How to Guide on Providing Remote Research Opportunities to URMs in the Time of COVID-19

Thursday, February 18, 2021 | 1:00pm (AZ time)

The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project is a virtual summer research program for under-represented minority (URM) undergraduates in the microbial sciences. NSURP was created in June 2020 to facilitate research opportunities for undergraduates who missed out on summer research due to COVID-19 and more specifically, groups that statistically, would be most vulnerable to leaving the STEM pool; Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) and Latinx. The program matches mentor (PI, or with PI permission, postdoctoral fellows, graduate trainees, and staff scientists) to mentee in an interest-based manner for a mentor-driven project. Find out how we put together a program that served 250 URM undergraduates in STEM in less than three weeks.

Learn More about NSURP: 

Featured Speaker: 

Michael D. L. Johnson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Immunobiology & BIO5 Institute
University of Arizona
College of Medicine


Centering Home: Advancing Postsecondary Opportunities for Indigenous and Latina/o/x Communities 

Thursday, March 18, 2021 | 1:00pm (AZ time)

Home is a central value for Indigenous and Latina/o/x communities that goes beyond giving back as an act of service. This talk will feature faculty from The Center for the Study of Higher Education whose scholarship and practice embody the value of “centering home” in advancing postsecondary opportunities for Indigenous and Latina/o/x communities.


Judy Marquez Kiyama, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Provost, Faculty Development
Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Practice

Jameson David Lopez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Practice

Karina G. Salazar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Practice


A Conversation with Mexican American Studies Faculty

Thursday, April 15, 2021 | 1:00pm (AZ time)

This conversation with some of the faculty in the Department of Mexican American Studies will discuss how their research is grounded within a social justice perspective recognizing that community partnerships are a core tenet of their research approaches.


  • Ada Wilkinson-Lee, Ph.D., Acting Department Head/ Associate Professor
  • Damián Baca, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  • Michelle Téllez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
  • Maurice Magaña, Ph.D. Assistant Professor


HSI_MAS Faculty_4-15-2021.pdf