2024-2025 Evidence-Based Practices Nominations are Closed.
Purpose of Evidence-Based Practices Process
The AZ HSI Consortium sought to create a community-informed process to identify, review, catalogue, highlight, and share evidence-based practices within an HSI context known to effectively move the needle towards greater college access, retention, transfer, and degree attainment for students in Arizona. In documenting and promoting evidence-based practices we seek to: (1) create a process for determining “what works” for Arizona HSIs, (2) inform education and community leaders on practices that optimize college student success, (3) highlight and amplify practices producing positive student outcomes within positive learning environments, and (4) illuminate continued gaps and opportunities for investment.
What do we mean by evidence-based practices?
Evidence-based practices demonstrate a record of success for improving student outcomes that have gone through a systematic review process to evaluate their level of evidence. Evidence-based practices generate feasibility and effectiveness by providing valuable information on how practices work in different institutions and among different students populations, and help identify gaps, sustaining practices, and provides concrete information that can inform opportunities for scaling (Mazzotti, Rowe, Cameto, Test, & Morningstar, 2013; Cook & Cook, 2016).
What do we mean by evidence-based practices at AZ HSIs?
We seek to uncover and highlight evidence-based practices that produce positive student outcomes and validating educational environments.